become a member
Why Join?
If you are a neighbor, what attracted you to this neighborhood? Maybe it was the trees (supported by ECA dollars) or maybe it was the abundance of historic homes (supported by the ECA land use committee). Or you were here for an event like our Halloween extravaganza or a home tour (a product of our neighbors listserve in one case and by ECA volunteers in the other). However you got here, we are glad you came. And we hope you will support the ECA so we can all continue to create the environment that drew you here.
What does a Membership to the ECA Support?
- A strong relationship between our neighborhood and the City of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, other neighborhoods, businesses, developers, and other entities with interest in our community.
- The beautification of common areas.
- Annual social events we love such as the Easter Egg Hunt, Pumpkin Wall, Elizabeth 8k, and Merry Meander.
- The ECA Newsletter, ECA website, ECA social networks, and other communications meant to educate and foster community within Elizabeth.
Have additional questions? Read our FAQs or reach out to our membership chair.